HTML Attributes

HTML Attribue


Attributes can provide additional information about the HTML tags on your page.
Two parts of attributes :
name ( name should be written in lowercase ).
value ( value should be placed after the equal sign(=) in double quotes ).

Example of HTML tag with attribute is:

Lists of HTMLTag and there Attributes.

Lists attributes names and there values

Attributes Name Attributes Values
abbr abbreviation
above layer name
accept MIME types
accept-charset list of supported character sets
accesskey character
accesskey key
action url
align absbottom | absmiddle | baseline | bottom | bottom | left | middle | right | top | center | char | justify | left | right | texttop
alink color name | #RRGGBB
alt alternative text
archive URL of archive file
axis group name
background URL of background image
balance number
behavior alternate | scroll | slide
below layer name
bgcolor color value
border percentage | pixels
cellpadding pixels
cellspacing pixels
char character
charset character set
checked checked
cite url of source information
class class name
classid id
clear all | left | none | right
clip x1, y1, x2, y2
code URL of Java class file
codebase URL for base referencing
codetype MIME Type
color color name
cols number of columns
colspan number of columns to span
compact compact
content string
contenteditable  false | true | inherit
coords comma separated list of values
data URL of data
datafld column name
dataformatas html | text
datasrc data source id
datetime date
declare declare
defer defer
dir ltr | rtl
direction down | left | right | up
disabled disabled | false | true
enctype application/x-www-form-urlencoded | multipart/form-data | text/plain | Media Type as per RFC 2045
face font name(s)
for id of form field
frame above | below | border | box | hsides | lhs | rhs | void | vsides
frameborder 1 | 0
gutter pixels
headers space-separated list of associated header | height percentage | pixels"
height pixels or percentage
hidefocus true | false
href url
hreflang language code
hspace percentage | pixels
hspace pixels
http-equiv http header string
id unique alphanumeric identifier
ismap ismap
label text description
lang language code
language javascript | jscript | vbs | vbscript | xml
left pixels
link color name | #RRGGBB
longdesc url of description file
loop infinite | number
marginheight pixels
marginwidth pixels
maxlength maximum field size
media all | aural | braille | print | projection | screen | other
method get | post
multiple multiple
name button name | field name | form's name for scripting | frame name | name of meta-information | name of target location parameter name | string | unique alphanumeric identifier or name | unique name for scripting reference
nohref nohref
noresize noresize
noshade noshade
nowrap nowrap
object filename
overflow none | clip
pagex horizontal pixel position of layer | pixels
pagey vertical pixel position of layer | pixels
profile url
prompt string
readonly readonly
rel relationship value
rev comma-separated list of relationship values
rows list of rows | number
rowspan number or rows to span
rules all | cols | groups | none | rows
scheme scheme type
scope col | colgroup | row | rowgroup
scrollamount pixels
scrolldelay milliseconds
scrolling auto | no | yes
selected selected
shape default | circle | poly | rect
size field size
span number
src url of ( frame | image | layer | script code | sound file )
standby standby text string
start number
style style information
summary summary information
tabindex number
target _blank | frame-name | _parent | _self | _top
text color name | #RRGGBB 
title advisory information | advisory text
top pixels
truespeed false | true
type a | A | i | I | 1 | block | horizontal | vertical | button | checkbox | password | radio | reset | submit | text | file | hidden | image | circle | disc | | content type | MIME Type
unselectable on | off
usemap url of map file
valign baseline | bottom | middle | top
value button value
value field value
value number
value option value
value parameter value
valuetype data | object | ref
visibility hide | inherit | show
vlink color name | #RRGGBB
volume number
vspace percentage | pixels
width percentage | pixels
xml:space preserve
z-index number
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