HTML Tags and Attributes

HTML Tags with Attribues


A Tag is a coded HTML command that indicates how part of web page should be displayed. All HTML tags are surrounded by the two characters < > ,characters are called angle brackets.
Example: <HEAD> </HEAD> is a tag. Similarly <H1> </H1> is a tag.
HTML tags are not case sensitive for example <HTML><BODY> means the same as <html><body>.


Attributes can provide additional information about the HTML tags on your page.
Two parts of attributes :
name ( name should be written in lowercase ).
value ( value should be placed after the equal sign(=) in double quotes ).

Example of HTML tag with attribute is:

Lists HTMLTags and there Attributes

Tags Names Attributes Names Version
<!-- --!> - 4 / 5
<!DOCTYPE> - 4 / 5
<a> </a> accesskey | charset | class | coords | dir | href | hreflang | id | media | lang | ping | name | rel | rev | shape | style | tabindex | target | title | type 4 / 5
<abbr> </abbr> class | dir | id | lang | style | title | template | tabindex 4 / 5
<acronym> </acronym> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4
<address> </address> class | dir | id | lang | style | title | ref | tabindex 4 / 5
<applet> align | alt | archive | class | code | codebase | height | hspace | id | name | object | style | title | vspace | width  4
<area /> accesskey | alt | class | coords | dir | href | id | lang | nohref | shape | style | tabindex | target | title 4 / 5
<b> </b> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<base /> href | id | target 4 / 5
<basefont /> color | face | id | size 4
<bdo> </bdo> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<bgsound /> balance | id | loop | src | volume
<big> </big> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4
<blink> </blink> class | id | lang | style
<blockquote> </blockquote> cite | class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<body> </body> alink | background | bgcolor | class | dir | id | lang | link | style | text | title | vlink 4 / 5
<br /> class | clear | id | style | title 4 / 5
<button> </button> accesskey | class | dir | disabled | id | lang | name | style | tabindex | title | type | value 4 / 5
<caption> </caption> align | class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<center> </center> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4
<cite> </cite> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<code> </code> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<col /> align | char | charoff | class | dir | id | lang | span | style | title | valign | width 4 / 5
<colgroup> </colgroup> align | char | charoff | class | dir | id | lang | span | style | title | valign | width 4 / 5
<dd> </dd> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<del> </del> cite | class | datetime | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<dfn> </dfn> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<dir> </dir> class | compact | dir | id | lang | style | title 4
<div> </div> align | class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<dl> </dl> class | compact | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<dt> </dt> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<em> </em> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<embed> accesskey | align | alt | class | code | codebase | height | hspace | id | language | name | src | style | title | unselectable | vspace | width 5
<fieldset> </fieldset> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<font> </font> class | color | dir | face | id | lang | size | style | title 4
<form> </form> accept-charset | action | class | dir | enctype | id | lang | method | name | style | target | title 4 / 5
<frame /> class | frameborder | id | longdesc | marginheight | marginwidth | name | noresize | scrolling | src | style | title 4
<frameset> </frameset> class | cols | id | rows | style | title 4
<h1> </h1>, <h2> </h2> … align | class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<head> </head> dir | id | lang | profile 4 / 5
<hr /> align | class | dir | id | lang | noshade | size | style | title | width 4 / 5
<html> </html> dir | id | lang | xmlns 4 / 5
<i> </i> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<iframe> </iframe> align | class | dir | frameborder | height | id | lang | longdesc | marginheight | marginwidth | name | scrolling | src | style | title | width 4 / 5
<ilayer> </ilayer> above | background | below | bgcolor | class | clip | height | id | left | name | pagex | pagey | src | style | top | visibility | width | z-index
<img /> align | alt | border | class | dir | height | hspace | id | ismap | lang | longdesc | name | src | style | title | usemap | vspace | width 4 / 5
<input /> accept | accesskey | align | alt | checked | class | dir | disabled | id | lang | maxlength | name | readonly | size | src | style | tabindex | title | type | usemap | value | width 4 / 5
<ins> </ins> cite | class | datetime | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<kbd> </kbd> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<label> </label> accesskey | class | dir | for | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<layer> </layer> above | background | below | bgcolor | class | clip | height | id | left | name | overflow | pagex | pagey | src | style | title | top | visibility | width | z-index
<legend> </legend> accesskey | align | class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<li> </Ii> class | dir | id | lang | style | title | type | value 4 / 5
<link /> charset | class | dir | href | hreflang | id | lang | media | rel | rev | style | target | title | type 4 / 5
<map> </map> class | dir | id | lang | name | style | title 4 / 5
<marquee> </marquee> accesskey | behavior | bgcolor | class | contenteditable | datafld | dataformatas | datasrc | direction | dir | disabled | height | hidefocus | hspace | id | lang | language | loop | scrollamount | scrolldelay | style | tabindex | title | truespeed | unselectable | vspace | width
<menu> </menu> class | compact | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<meta /> content | dir | http-equiv | id | lang | name | scheme 4 / 5
<multicol> </multicol> class | cols | gutter | id | style | width
<noframes> </nofromes> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4
<noscript> </noscript> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<obbr> </obbr>
<object> </object> align | archive | border | class | classid | codebase | codetype | data | declare | dir | height | hspace | id | lang | name | standby | style | tabindex | title | type | usemap | vspace | width 4 / 5
<ol> </ol> class | compact | dir | id | lang | start | style | title | type 4 / 5
<optgroup> </optgroup> class | dir | disabled | id | label | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<option> </option> class | dir | disabled | id | label | lang | selected | style | title | value 4 / 5
<p> </p> align | class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<param /> id | name | type | value | valuetype 4 / 5
<porom />
<pre> </pre> class | dir | id | lang | style | title | width | xml:space 4 / 5
<q> </q> cite | class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<s> </s> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4
<samp> </samp> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<script> </script> charset | defer | id | language | src | type | xml:space 4 / 5
<select> </select> class | dir | disabled | id | lang | multiple | name | size | style | tabindex | title 4 / 5
<small> </small> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<span> </span> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<strike> </strike> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4
<strong> </strong> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<style> </style> dir | id | lang | media | title | type | xml:space 4 / 5
<sub> </sub> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<sup> </sup> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<table> </table> align | bgcolor | border | cellpadding | cellspacing | class | dir | frame | id | lang | rules | style | summary | title | width 4 / 5
<tbody> </tbody> <tbody align | char | charoff | class | dir | id | lang | style | title | valign 4 / 5
<td> </td> abbr | align | axis | bgcolor | char | charoff | class | colspan | dir | headers | height | id | lang | nowrap | rowspan | scope | style | title | valign | width 4 / 5
<textarea> </textarea> accesskey | class | cols | dir | disabled | id | lang | name | readonly | rows | style | tabindex | title 4 / 5
<tfoot> </tfoot> align | char | charoff | class | dir | id | lang | style | title | valign 4 / 5
<th> </th> abbr | align | axis | bgcolor | char | charoff | class | colspan | dir | headers | height | id | lang | nowrap | rowspan | scope | style | title | valign | width 4 / 5
<thead> </thead> align | char | charoff | class | dir | id | lang | style | title | valign 4 / 5
<title> </title> dir | id | lang 4 / 5
<tr> </tr> align | bgcolor | char | charoff | class | dir | id | lang | style | title | valign 4 / 5
<tt> </tt> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4
<u> <u/> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4
<ul> </ul> class | compact | dir | id | lang | style | title | type 4 / 5
<var> </var> class | dir | id | lang | style | title 4 / 5
<video> </video> autobuffer | autoplay | controls | height | loop | poster | src | width 5
<xml> </xml> id | src 4
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